"Coming Soon" The show is about an experimental theater group who is getting ready for a show called "Blood And Oatmeal" that became more popular than expected because one of the cast is a famous jazz singer and nobody told the group about it. So the director runs around trying to get everything to work out, while the actors suffer from beneath her crushing fist. It has an entire British and Scottish cast. "Graham" and "Fiona" are both managers/runners, and "Jen" is the director. Billy plays a lighting technicians' son who joins the theater group to help with lighting, curtain calls, and run-around jobs, so you see him ALOT. "Ross" is alot like the LotR character "Pippin", he seems to be sort of a dim-witted and energetic guy who loves to talk about Theaters Of The Future. He always comes in at the right moment and knows how to keep the cast focused, like a combination of Pippin and "Radar O'Reilly" from M*A*S*H. "Coming Soon" is hilarious and I recommend it to anyone over 18. There is some swearing, graphic nudity. (neither from Bill though.) Some pictures didn't turn out, so you are missing a look at some great Bill scenes! |
Here's a scene.. (hold your mouse over the pics to read)
The scene is a bit perverted, warning you...
Quotes from "Ross" blabbering on about Digital Theater (?) he really gets into this idea, very excited about telling people his point of view. "My theory is that a theater of the future won't take place in a theater, it'll be a conceptual space! Not a real space. This is where digital comes into it. I mean, if you think about it, live performance is digital! I mean, your audience member either likes or doesn't like something at any given moment in time, that's your Ones, and your Not's. Likes, Don't Like.. Like, Don't Like. Don't Like! Don't Like! Like! Like! Like! ...That's digital!" "With two basic building blocks, you can build an experience of anythin' of complexity, and that is comparable to watchin a production of 'Blood And Oatmeal' or Julia Roth, but digital!" |
I can't make tapes, so this is about as close to seeing the episodes as you'll get, by me. Sorry everyone! |
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